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Bella Vu

Easy to make & delicious breakfast options

Why eating breakfast is the key to starting your day great!

Breakfast. Why do people keep talking about it? This topic of argument has been going on for a very long time, and everyone has heard both sides. However, instead of pointing out reasons why I believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I'll give you a few options of food you can include in your morning that I enjoy eating as well.

1. Banana

If I'm ever flying out the door late to head to work or class, I will always grab a banana to eat while on the run. Bananas are rich in nutrients like potassium and fiber, and are easy to digest! If you're not like me and have time to enjoy a nice breakfast in the morning, try adding peanut butter to your banana! A great source of protein and a great start to your day!

2. Toast

Toast is such a staple breakfast item and you can't go wrong with adding jam, peanut butter, avocado, or eggs to them! Toast is a type of carbohydrate that can be included in a balanced, healthy lifestyle. If I'm able to sit down and enjoy my breakfast, toast is always my number 1 option! Try experimenting with toast and add your favorite toppings!

3. Smoothie

Who doesn't love a refreshing smoothie? Put some frozen fruit in a blender, add juice, maybe some yogurt, and protein if you'd like and you have yourself a delicious smoothie. Personally, I do not have smoothies all the time in the morning, but I do implement them whenever I feel like it. Smoothies are a great breakfast item and contain a variety of nutrients and other benefits your body needs!

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great source of fiber and it promotes healthy gut bacteria. Overnight oats have become very popular and make it easier to grab and eat while on the go. There are a ton of yummy recipes online for overnight oats and regular oatmeal, that give you a variety of flavors to pick from to suit your likes. Look into oatmeal and check out some delicious recipes!

5. Granola Bar

The classic granola bar. A snack during the day or an easy breakfast. I mentioned in my last post that eating anything is better than nothing. A granola bar is a very popular breakfast and contains a lot of beneficial nutrients. Even though this breakfast item may contain too much sugar, we see fiber, carbs, and protein. Granola bars are a great breakfast!

I hope these 5 breakfast items gave you a little inspiration on food that you can eat before you start your day. Breakfast fuels your body and gives you enough energy to last throughout the day. Feed your body something healthy that contains the nutrients it needs to stay strong! Whether it's a typical morning or you're in a rush, these 5 breakfast items will serve as a great source of fuel to help you get through the day!

Balancing a healthy lifestyle starts with a nutrient-filled breakfast!

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